Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Declawed Cat Are Unloved

I say that declawed cats are unloved. How can I say such a thing? There will be thousands who disagree. What I mean is that declawed cats are not loved perfectly or unconditionally and this is the only true love that can exist, I think all will agree.

Love between animals can only exist when there is equality between the animals concerned. In the case of the cat and the human it is down to the human to accept and agree equality. Where there is a sense of equality by the human keeper the cat will not be declawed and the situation will foster a fine relationship. Where the human keeper maintains the old fashioned view that they are superior to other animals (and cats, of course) then the possibility of declawing is present. If declawing takes place the love or attachment between cat and human is conditional upon the declawing taking place. Conditional love is imprefect.

Also, a more perfect love will allow and accept the perceived imperfections of one party and that includes claws in a human/cat relationship. Once again an imperfect love allows for delawing, which is simply putting the furniture before the cat. Declawed cats are unloved in a true way.

Declawed Cat Are Unloved to Home Page


  1. Wow! do I ever feel dumb! I just found your blog!

    When I adopted Tootsie, I had a long talk with the rescue person about various things. She said that declawed cats are often returned to the rescue shelter (they have a 30-day exchange policy) because of litter box problems. Apparently, declawed cats often don't like to use a litter box, because ? not sure... they don't like to dig, digging is painful? I emailed her to get more info on this, but no reply. And google didn't turn up anything.

    There is really no reason to declaw a cat. It's just common sense. Cats are cats. They have to claw to shed the older part of the claws. What you have to do is to give them places to claw that they prefer to furniture or doors. Those cardboard thingies work really really well.

    And, in the past at least, some rescue organizations have been really stupid about this. A friend told me (maybe 5 years ago) that the local cat adoption/ rescue center REQUIRED that the new owner declaw the cat, so that the cat could not kill birds outside. Crikey! Like they were trying to be "politically correct" by preventing cats from getting after birds. How dumb was that?



  2. i declawed both of my cats, and they were both perfectly loved and cared for. My one cat just died of kidney failure at nine years of age and he loved me till his dying day. I never found that my cats changed or harbored any kind of grudge toward me.

  3. I think that you are completely wrong and it is indefensible. When you declaw you do it for you not the cat. You take a lot from the cat and your thoughts about not harboring a grudge are pointless. Cats don't harbour grudges only humans. You are basically "customising" a cat, a living and feeling companion animal. Have you tried customising your husband or partner?

  4. I am in shock. There is no other word for it. You post that you don't neuter the stray you care for because you want him to be "all boy".
    What does that mean? I have male cats that retain their maleness, they just don't spray or compete for sex.
    You say Timmy is not your (excuse) and then you post that declawed cats are not loved.
    Fantastic rationale, but if you think neutering somehow magically alters them or harms them, perhaps you do believe declawing a cat means thee owner doesn't love them.
    I would like to say, your stray, whom you have adopted, gets hurt because he is competing to have sex.
    You can fix him and it would be the kind thing to do, further, it would limit his wounds in the future. If you knew the disease out there.
    I have spayed and neutered roughly 38 cats in our rural neighborhood who are "not mine". I do it for the cats, to stop disease and suffering. The males that are spayed no longer fight after the testosterone goes down and they're happier, and the most important thing, HEALTHIER cats. It reduces the rate of feline leukemia and FIV passing from one cat to another.
    As for declaw, my indoor cats who never go outside, they are declawed, and I think you probably do not quite understand that they do get over the surgery and have quite happy, loving lives.
    I can't imagine you could make such a statement and not understand the ramifications of not neutering the cat you obviously do take care of.
    Even if you're not his technical owner.
    I support your expression here, and I think it's great that you're helping the strays, but don't promote ignorance with the "all boy" crap or that declawed cats are somehow harmed for life. I have seven indoor cats, some were adopted declawed and others I had declawed, they could not be nicer, more contented animals.
