Sunday, February 28, 2010

Interpreting a Cat's Appearance

Sebastian says hi
Originally uploaded by fofurasfelinas
Yes, another fine picture of Sebastian this time, by the renown cat photographer, fofurasfelinas (Flickr - Giane Portal is her real name). This is one where I can see people who do not understand cats making derogatory or misleading comments.

Some people might say things like, "he's a mean son-of-a-bitch" (yes it would be an American teenager from mid-America I am afraid). That would be totally misreading Sebastian's expression.

That said there is a great opportunity to make up some funny cheeseburger type titles or comments for this cat as he is winking at the camera and talking out loud! Well, of course he is not doing that but you could pretend that he was.

"How ya doin darling.." is one such comment that comes to mind. It is the sort of thing a cockney bloke in the east end of London, England, says to a girl when he picks her up!

What probably happened was simply that Sebastian just happened to close one eye as he began to yawn or something like that.

I love those whiskers and he has great looking teeth - very healthy. Everything looks healthy about him and he is at a cat sanctuary at Foz do IguaƧu, Brazil, which tells you how so very good this sanctuary is.

Sebastian is a red tabby cat. Sometimes red is described as yellow or orange. It means the same thing and the cause is the same - the presence of the O gene that turns eumelanin (black pigment in the hair strands) into a different colour. His eyes are a pale green making a nice counterpoint to the coat colour and the wall behind is a perfect off blue to contrast with the ginger coat. Nice photo Giane. Well done.


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