Sunday, October 16, 2011

Cat Heaven

Cat Heaven by Caza_No_7
Cat Heaven, a photo by Caza_No_7 on Flickr.
Here is a cat in cat heaven; in front of a warm fire on a nice carpet in a nice home, well fed and cared for.

What would consider to be cat heaven? It has to be good food first. Nice calm non-hostile environment with plenty of opportunity to behave normally and express normal desires etc.

Cat heaven above all should be safe from danger such as cars and predators and disease.

Cat heaven must be a place where you get medical treatment when required.

Lastly there is plenty of love and interaction between cat and human. The human in cat heaven loves cats and understands cats.

The human in cat heaven knows that you can't force a cat to do something and that punishment is not a good idea but positive reinforcement is much better.

Lastly cat heaven is a place where the cat gets to keep his claws.

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