Sunday, October 16, 2011

Video on declawing cats

This is me talking about declawing cats. I hate it. It is cruel and horrible as far as I am concerned and I guess you can see that from the video.

It is slightly weird video. I made it using my Apple Mac Photo Booth software so I am speaking to the computer. The software allows you add some visual effects.

I added the text later using Sony Vegas Platinum video creation software. I live in England so that is why I find declawing shocking. We just don't do it over here. It is part of the American culture though. It is hard to shake off that kind of thing.

8 cities in Calif have banned declawing so there is a body of people in America that dislike it but California is not representative of the USA I am told. I don't expect other states to follow suit. California as a state refused to pass a statewide ban. The governor vetoed the bill (2010).


  1. I AGREE!!!Declawing is animal cruelty.Rendering a cat of it's ability to protect itself is wrong.My three cats at home are all capable of using their claws and they like it that way,so we,the owners,should to.-Saladin
