Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Picture of Large Maine Coon

Huge Maine Coon cat at a cat show. The image quality is not great but this domestic cat has a quality about him that makes him look like a cat from another planet - almost.

Maine Coon at cat show - Photo: copyright Little Baby Zorak all rights reserved

I cleaned up the image a bit. His mackerel tabby coat gives him a fishy quality! Not surprising as the term "mackerel tabby" comes from the mackerel fish.

When you scale this cat up with the show judge who is struggling to manage him, he looks to be about 2/3rds her height if measured from tip to toe. He actually looks a similar size to her! He probably weighs about 22lbs or something like that. Average domestic cat weight is about 8 lbs or should be (a lot of domestic cats are a little overweight). He is interested in the light. I hope he didn't burn his nose.

The Maine Coon is the largest all domestic cat (excluding wildcat hybrids). See another large one on this page: largest domestic cat breeds.

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