Monday, July 14, 2014

Colloidal Silver To Treat Cat Illness. Good or Bad?

There are two schools of thought about the efficacy of colloidal silver in the treatment of a variety of feline diseases but essentially focusing on viral and bacterial infections.

What is interesting is this. Every webpage that recommends the use of colloidal silver as a health treatment for cats (including FIV) contains information from people which is anecdotal.  It is from people who have used colloidal silver either on themselves or a pet and sometimes a cat, or the information comes from a supplier of the product.  Amongst suppliers, the product's wondrous properties tend to be overhyped as an alternative to "expensive" veterinary care.

Colloidal silver treatment for cats

On the other side of the coin there is one organisation which is against the use of colloidal silver. The organisation is the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It took me a little while to find this information and the relevant webpage whereas by contrast there are many pages of information from users or sellers which, in general, recommended the product.

The FDA state on their webpage from 11th February 1997 (which is now an archived page and may of course be out of date) that they have received reports that products containing colloidal silver were being promoted for use in the treatment of various conditions affecting companion animals.  The product was also found on dairy farms.

The FDA state unequivocally that:

FDA is not aware of any substantial scientific evidence that supports the safe and effective use of colloidal silver ingredients or salts for any animal disease condition.

As for the use of colloidal silver in food producing animals the FDA states that this constitutes a potentially serious public health concern.  With respect to companion animals they say that the use of colloidal silver to treat serious illness could potentially endanger the health of the animal in delaying prompt veterinary treatment.

In short, this product is not approved by the FDA for use in any animal species.  At the time they were continuing to investigate the promotion and use of this product in animals.

As can be seen, the official assessment of colloidal silver is a complete rejection which is in stark contrast to either rather vague information from users or heavily promoted information from suppliers and manufacturers.

It has crossed my mind trying it myself to treat Charlie's chronic sinusitis because my veterinarian, regrettably, has not got a handle on the problem, which puts the onus on me to do something about it but of course I will not take any steps that are in anyway risky.

I think most people would agree with me if I said that colloidal silver should not be used unless there is some overriding reason based upon science or hard evidence which recommends it to the cat owner.

Do you have any personal supporting evidence?


  1. If you don't know by now, the FDA supports the drug industries an is bought and paid for. Colloidal is very effective and inexpensive. The drug industries do not like this, since there is no profit in it.

    My experience is that it does work. One exception, Ionic silver does not work like true colloidal silver. I've tried many brands and have had immense success with MesoSilver. I have no affiliation with this company, only that I have used it for 7 years. I have used it on my puppy to get rid of a very bad case clostridium. The normal treatment would be weeks, if not months of antibiotics depending on it's severity. Colloidal silver will not damage the kidneys, or liver like antibiotics can and works much quicker. It also cleared up an abscess on my gum line. The pain and swelling on my face and neck went away within 5 days, whereas, the dentist wanted me to take antibiotics for 21 days!

    This is just my thoughts, maybe consult a holistic practitioner and get a diagnosis first.
