Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Ford in Australia team up with fantasist big cat hunters to promote their SUV Puma

When you look at the pictures of the supposed big cats that these fantasists produce as evidence that they are roaming around the interior of the Australian continent, you are driven to a single conclusion namely that they are fantasists. In one picture there is a black cat on top of a tree stump and for all the world it looks like a domestic cat. How they can let their imagination run so wild as to believe that this is a black panther is beyond me.

Ford's new hybrid SUV the Puma. Photo: Ford

But Ford have jumped onto the bandwagon in their desire to promote their new Ford Puma SUV. It's just been launched and of course the name - as is commonplace - has been plucked from the wild cat species. The puma is a mountain lion which has the biggest distribution of all the wild cat species. And sometimes the puma can be black i.e. melanistic. So why not dive in and join up with these fantasists to promote the vehicle?

They think this is a big cat! Come on, please stop this. Photo Black Panther Sightings on FB.

At least Ford's new sport utility vehicle runs on a high-tech hybrid engine. I suppose they had to do that because you cannot, these days, bring out a new car unless it is at least a hybrid. But it is really time to stop pretending that there are big cats roaming around the countryside in countries where there are no big cats. These people are like UFO hunters. They are one and the same in terms of their mentality.

Perhaps it is a throwback to Neanderthal human thinking when people in that era genuinely had to fight for survival against the big cats. A time when they had to compete with them to survive. Maybe it's in our blood to be fearful of big cats and when you're fearful of them you think they are everywhere lurking in the forests and in the dark. Your imagination runs wild and you transform a sweet little black domestic cat into a black panther like the picture on this page. Compare the cat with the trees and fence and you know that it is a black domestic cat.

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