Thursday, June 15, 2023

Near Bangkok cats in diapers can go to the cinema with their owner

This is novel. It's probably impractical and perhaps a little extreme but a cinema near Bangkok has allowed cats and dog to watch their films with their owners provided they wear diapers (nappies)! Get that. I see the problem. If one cat peed onto a cinema seat because they were stressed it would be the end of the experiment.

Near Bangkok cats in diapers can go to the cinema with their owner
A pet cat sits on the armrest of a seat inside a movie theater on the opening day of the pet-friendly i-Tail Pet Cinema at Major Cineplex, inside the Mega Bangna shopping mall, in Samut Prakan province, central Thailand on Saturday, June 10, 2023. AFP PHOTO.

Major Cineplex spokesman Narute Jiensnong made the order that cats and dogs had to wear diapers. I have a strong feeling that this is not going to work despite being kind and animal-friendly.

The reason why the cinema chain has opened their doors to pets is because pets are big in Thailand, second only to China in Asia and they want to encourage more customers through the doors. There are 8.3 million dogs and 3.7 million cats in 2021, in Thailand apparently.

Fair enough but I don't think cats and dogs are stopping cinemagoers from going to the cinema as films traditionally last 90 minutes. You're not going to be away from home and your cat or dog for more than 3 hours. That's okay.

Nice thought though. Ikea in Thailand are also allowing pets into their stores with their owners provided they are in strollers.

There must be a limit to the 'dogs allowed policy' for Cineplex as some species are enormous. Who's going to put a 60-kilogram dog in a nappy and hope that it stays on for the duration of a film?!

Source: The Manila Times.

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