Monday, August 21, 2023

This Belarusian boy has a good heart (shame about President Lukashenko)

The boy is relatively pure, innocent and good. His country's president is the opposite; a close supporter of Putin and he harbours some of Putin's nuclear weapons. He says that he will not hesitate to use them and start WW3 and Armageddon. 

President Lukashenko is bad

Pres Lukashenko is often referred to by news media outlets as "Europe's last dictator". When he assumed office in 1994, he quickly began to reinstate Soviet-era functions and reintroduced the symbols of Soviet Belarus. 

He supports a mass murderer namely Putin. He falsifies so-called democratic elections. The New York Times says that he boasted early on in his 26-year rule that he had to reduce his election vote from 93.5% to 86% to make it look more plausible! 

And he admitted that he falsified the election after he won his third term as president in 2006.

President Lukashenko was the only legislator in Soviet Belarus to vote against his nation's independence from Russia in 1991. He was a former collective farm manager who became a Communist official.

Lukashenko was the first Belarusian president and nobody else has held the office. Some people say he has kept Belarus 30 years behind Russia. When protesters rallied 4 weeks against Lukashenko's August 20, 2020 election victory the police and intelligence services were ordered by Lukashenko to suppress protesters by arresting them and torturing them in their thousands.

United States, European Union and United Kingdom do not recognise Lukashenko as a legitimate president. They have imposed sanctions on Belarus which has hobbled the economy and isolated the president. Lukashenko's sole supporter is Russian Pres Vladimir Putin.

He continues to defy the West. He says that Pres Biden was elected illegitimately. He doesn't give a damn about what the EU say about him.

He has been accused of masterminding a migration crisis by letting thousands of refugees, mostly from the Middle East, to arrive in Belarus to then cross the border with Poland or Lithuania.

A policy adviser with the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, a human rights watchdog said that, "His behaviour over the past year has shown that political isolation has turned him into a delusional, paranoid and petty man."

He is considered to be a threat to regional security and is referred to by some as an international terrorist. In that respect he is very similar to Pres Putin.

Belarusian boy is good

A good Belarusian boy
A good Belarusian boy. Screenshot.

Why does the boy have a good heart? Because he loves this cat on the pavement. He loves animals. Any boy who loves animals is good because it's obvious.

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